Black Humboldt

work in progress 2020 - 2025

Black Humboldt is targeting the negative racial, economical and social impacts of colonial settlerism, capitalism and the patriarchy As it disporporationaly affects melanted populations and people who identify as Black & Brown.

Black Humboldt is a Dream Maker project of The Ink People Center of The Arts, since summer 2019. | Find out more


Who we serve:

Black Humboldt directly serves the Black & Brown communities of California’s North Coast.

The Black & Brown community includes anyone who racially or culturally identifies as Black, Brown, African American, African, Afro-Latiné, Afro Caribbean or from anywhere within the African Diaspora. Black Humboldt also serves individuals that find themselves intersected with other marginalized identities like 2S/LGBTQAI+, experiencing poverty, being disabled, experiencing incarceration or not having access to higher education.

Black Humboldt is centering the lived experiences of the communities we serve to drive the direction of our programming, projects and resources.

Current Projects

Black Aesthetic Podcast.

Back to School Kits.

Juneteenth Black Business Fund.

Black Book Club.

Black Business Directory.

Home Alone Project

Current events

Monthly Exclusive Black Networking Mixer

Black Family nights

BH Bday (April) 

Annual Juneteenth Celebration


Black Humboldt's events and programming have always and will always house arts as a tool to transform and express culture. The arts have a long history within Black and afro culture for being a vehicle for social change, expression and healing. Live music, singing, poetry, dance and so much more, is written in our DNA and is something shared across all the many races, ethnicities and languages of Blackness, it is crucial to our foundation as an organization. Through the performing arts Black Humboldt is creating safe spaces for Artists to bare themselves but also cultural awareness, preservation and representation.

Black Liberation Month - February

Black Liberation Month is a retitling of Black History Month and will take place for the entire month of February every year. As a way to empower the Black community, we want to create a sense of liberation through events planned for and by, Black and Brown community members. This project keeps Black and Brown history, which is often left out of textbooks or mainstream curriculums available and transparent for the entire Humboldt County community. It is important for both POC and non POC members to understand black and brown history is United States’ history too. By telling truthful stories of strength and perseverance and celebrating accomplished black and brown people we are liberating the community.

Arts For Black & Brown Bodies - March & October

Arts for Black and Brown Bodies is a month-long series that explores Black and Brown bodies within art forms society doesn’t normally attribute to Black or Afro culture or community. The series works to create art and culture in non-traditional spaces in hopes to grow our presence in the art world. The series occurs for an entire month, both in October and  March every year, and includes 6-12 art workshops exclusive for BIPOC community members to attend, visual art exhibitions and performance showcases. The goals of this series is to provide representation within an area that is normally lacking, create safe spaces and expose The BIPOC community of artists with safe platforms. This series can be empowering and life changing for those looking to lead a life of art creation, can be refreshing and warming for those wanting to try new things and is revitalizing to the health and well-being of the BIPOC community.


All donations received go to continue our daily operations which include all of our current projects and events and creating monetary opportunities for Black & brown community members.

Black Humboldt supports:

  • Local North Coast Indigenous Tribes

  • All Humboldt Black & Brown owned businesses

  • Cal Poly Humboldt’s Umoja Center

  • College of The Redwoods’ Multicultural Center

  • All Humboldt, Del Norte & Trinity local BSUs

  • Humboldt based non profit, Youth Arts Will Succeed

  • Humboldt based non profit, HC Black Music & Arts Association

  • Humboldt based grassroots organization, Building Black Community

  • BLM Global Network

  • The Sentencing Project

  • The American Civil Liberties Union

Local Black Humboldt Allies:

The Booklegger, Eureka CA

AEDC, Eureka CA

City of Eureka CA

Southside Mike’s BBQ, Eureka CA

Humboldt Naturalista , Arcata CA

Bling Brow Bar, Eureka CA
NAACP, Eureka Chapter

DJ L Boogie, Humboldt County

Humboldt Area Foundation, Humboldt County

Sistah’s Vegan, Humboldt CA

Taste of Bim, Eureka CA

Synapsis Studio, Eureka CA

Arts & Drafts, Eureka CA

Dewy’s Beauty Boutique, Eureka CA

Sander’s Grooming, Eureka CA

The Griffin, Arcata CA

The Speakeasy Hair Lounge, Arcata CA

BodyHigh Pole Studio, Arcata CA

WordHumboldt, Humboldt County

HSU: African American Center for Academic Excellence, Arcata CA

HSU: Black Student Union

Frankie's Bagels, Eureka CA

Humbrews Restaurant, Arcata CA

Outer Space, Arcata CA

The POC Group, Humboldt County

K.M Ross Photography, Arcata CA

The North Coast Journal, Humboldt County CA

The All Black Student Union: Arcata, McKinleyville and Eureka High Schools

Alpha Fitness, Eureka CA

Visual Concepts, Arcata CA

Stars Hamburgers, Arcata CA

Northtown Coffee, Arcata CA

SCRAP, Arcata CA

Heart Bead, Arcata CA

Eureka Bookstore, Eureka CA

The Tin Can Mail Man, Arcata

Humboldt Republic, Eureka CA

Bold Images, McKinleyville CA

On The Lo Swimwear, Humboldt CA

The North Coast Co op, Humboldt County

Wildberries Market Place, Arcata CA

Bluegrass Glass, McKinleyville CA

Fatbol Clothing, Arcata CA

Starbucks, Fortuna CA
Frankie's Bagels, Eureka CA 
The Center, McKinleyville CA 
Rotary Club of Arcata 
Arcata Theater Lounge 
Los Bagels 
Brainwash Thrift 
Arcata Main Street 
North Coast Growers Alliance 
Big Brother Big Sisters - Eureka 
Youth Evolve Services 
The North Coast SBDC 
City of Arcata 
Kiskanu Dispensary
Mother's Cooking Experience 
Septentrio Winery
Homeboldt Apparel
Humbrews Restaurant 
Humboldt Bay Social Club 
Papa & Barkley Social
The Sanctuary 
2nd St Art Lab 
Humboldt Herbals 
Mother's Cooking Experience 
The Minor Theater 
The Grind Cafe 
Fatbol Clothing Store 
Object Heavy Music Group 

Vibe Productions

Queer Humboldt

The Clarke Museum

Ink People Center of The Arts: Fiscal Sponsorship

Black Humboldt has an ongoing commitment to accessibility and person-centered approaches to program design. We work to understand individual communication strategies in order to reach each person. We have made project and programming finances a top priority to keep them free for participants and strategize using locations ADA accessible and supported by public transportation. Working along side The Ink People as our fiscal sponsor, who bring knowledge of "Trajectory" and "Disability informed Support". The Ink People is working with DreamMaker projects to plan for greater accessibility within the organizations that we umbrella. While efforts to address accessibility are continual, we acknowledge we have work to do. In 2021, we had to move out of our accessible administrative building when it was sold with little notice. Because few affordable commercial buildings were on the market, we currently rent a building that has a step at the front entrance. While we are in preparation to build a ramp for the entrance this year, we are currently offering office hours and activities at one of our community art spaces and partnering with Synapsis in order to present events at a fully accessible location. In our social media programming and online materials, we include verbal, written descriptions of images to reach people who have vision impairments. We are hiring translators to provide Spanish translation for our newsletter in order to reach Humboldt’s Latinx population. We recognize the power of art as a tool for communication and offer support to artists working in many mediums to create richer and more diverse opportunities for expression. We recognize that many underserved communities in our region are very isolated. In response, we are prioritizing mobile programming in order to engage with people and communities who often have very little access to opportunities.