Water is vital to all life on earth yet often is one of our most threatened resources. In California water issues are often publicized and misinformation is rampant. Advocacy in water protection is often informative about current threats to our water-ways, but this series will be action oriented. We will explore five steps for water justice in California throughout the week.
That Online Week of ACTION for California Water Justice schedule is:
September 14th - Step 1: Dismantle Environmental Racism
September 15th - Step 2: Learn Where Your Water Comes From
September 16th - Step 3: Fight for Clean Water
September 17th - Step 4: Halt Water Privatization
September 18th - Step 5: Undam the Klamath
The public can register at: tinyurl.com/Mobilize4Water or follow at the hashtags #WaterJustice #StopEnvironmentalRacism for the series or on issue specific hashtags: #BuffettDamsKill #Un-DamtheKlamath #NoDamRaise #safewaterforall #NoDeltaTunnel. More info is at https://www.californiasalmon.org/ @Calisalmon on Twitter and California Rivers on Instagram.
Those webinars can be watched at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC815CVI554HLumVf5bRDN_Q or californiasalmon.org. HSU NAS and Save California Salmon are also hosting the Advocacy and Water Protection in Native California Symposium on Sept. 25th. Registration is at: https://www.californiasalmon.org/